Luca Binaglia
designerSince 2008 I dedicate my heart and soul to the design of products for the furnishing, being inspired by the beautiful landscapes of my Umbria and by its quiet life, establishing virtuous working collaborations with companies scattered throughout Italy.
In 2010 I began a research project on the theme of sustainable design, through the experience of upcycling, founding the collective Unwaste, pioneer in the world of ecodesign.
From 2014 to 2019 I taught at the NID Institute in Perugia, Sustainable Design, Design Techniques and Advanced Product Design.
In October 2016 I was guest of the Academy of Fine Arts in Minsk, Belarus, for a masterclass and a month after guest for two weeks of the Shanghai School of Art and Design in China. Humanly and professionally wonderful experiences, in which the difficulties of communication and cultural confrontation had as their only stop point the passion of all in designing beautiful and innovative products.
Since 2008 I have been exhibiting in Milan with my studio, almost every year, in Paris, more and more often, and in New York.
Since 2008, my projects have ended up in magazines from half the world, Brazil, Russia, China, the United States and Europe, as well as in many influential blogs.
From 2008 to today the companies with which I collaborate have multiplied, from the local BlueSide, MOD, Rometti and Domiziani, up to the most international and recent Roche Bobois
From 2008 to today the passion for design continues to grow in all its forms, from the design to the care of the following realization, passing through the teaching and the comparison with boys and colleagues, always driving growth.